Monday, December 3, 2007

Kiniya delivery, Dec 17th

Our girls have worked so hard to create some wonderful gifts for the Bethune School kindergarteners!

We have arranged a delivery date of Monday, Dec. 17th. We will need to leave school by 2 pm so that the girls can hand deliver their items to the class and read them some stories.

- Please notify your daughter's teacher that they need to leave school early this day and Stephanie or Charlene will be signing them out. We plan on returning to school (meet near cafeteria) by 3:30 - 3:45 pm

- Signed permission slip must be given to Charlene before this day. Charlene will be sending home permission slip through each girl's classroom.

- Each girl should bring a new or gently used story book appropriate for 4-5 year olds that she will be reading to a small group of children. We will then be donating the books to the kindergarten class.

- Uniform is required. If your daughter needs to bring their vest instead of wearing it, make sure it is in their backpack so they can put it on when we leave.

Thank you to Mark Nogawa for the great pictures of Kiniya and the Christmas Parade!

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